Gas Log Fireplace Cleaning

gas log fireplace

Great gas logs at affordable pricing

You can always count on us for honest, reliable, and personal service. We take pride in the fact we can beat any written estimate, and you'll deal directly with the owner. In other words, no sales people involved. We only use realistic and high-quality American made gas logs!

Gas logs are a great option, but they need cleaning too!

Gas-burning fireplaces require regular sweeping and cleaning just like wood-burning fireplaces, although they don't have to be maintained quite as often. Gas-burning fireplaces expel carbon, which will build up every time you have a fire. At the beginning, this isn't a huge deal, but over time it does build up, and can even begin falling into the fireplace in chunks.


These need to be cleaned out regularly, while base sand and other materials need to be replaced to keep up the ideal aesthetic appearance.

Cleaning information

When it comes to gas log fireplace cleaning, there's no set or agreed-upon number of fires that determine when the next maintenance needs to happen. The Chimney Safety Institute of America recommends that you should have your gas fireplace inspected annually, and swept when needed, Use your best judgement and do it earlier if need be.

Contact us today!

We are a proud family-owned and operated business serving the area for over 20 years. Let us show you what it looks like when amazing quality work and work ethic meet up with 2 decades of devoted experience.


Contact us today !

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